背負式叉車 Backpack forklift
背負式叉車 是 為解決果園山地越野工況下 轉運果筐和其它果園物資而研發的與果園拖拉機配合使用的果園轉運裝備。叉車安裝在拖拉機后三點懸掛上,駕駛員通過操作液壓控制閥來控制叉車動作,叉車具有舉升、側移、傾斜、鎖筐等功能,配備了舉升油缸2根、傾斜油缸1根、側移油缸1根、鎖緊油缸2根共計6根??梢淮闻e升多個果箱,方便果園果箱等物資的搬運,節省人力物力。果園用戶無需單獨購買山地叉車,把該背負式叉車直接安裝到拖拉機上即可實現山地搬運作業,拖拉機可到之處都可以使用。特別適合果園采摘后的果箱的轉運工作。
Backpack forklift is a kind of orchard transportation equipment developed to solve the problem of transporting fruit baskets and other orchard materials under off-road conditions in orchard mountainous areas, which is used in conjunction with orchard tractors. The forklift is mounted on the rear three-point suspension of the tractor, and the driver controls the forklift motion by operating the hydraulic control valve. The forklift has the functions of lifting, sideshift, tilting, and basket locking. It is equipped with 2 lifting cylinders, 1 tilt cylinder, 1 sideshift cylinder, and 2 locking cylinders, totaling 6. Multiple fruit boxes can be lifted at one time to facilitate the handling of materials such as orchard fruit boxes and save manpower and material resources. Orchard users do not need to purchase a mountain forklift separately. They can directly install the backpack forklift on the tractor to achieve mountain handling operations, which can be used wherever the tractor can go. It is especially suitable for the transfer of fruit boxes after picking in orchards.
背負式叉車 產品規格表
Product specification table of Backpack forklift
序號Serial No | 項目 Item | 單位 Unit | 主要參數 Main Parameter |
1 | 型號名稱 Model Name | / | PF 12000–A 背負式叉車 PF 12000–A Backpack forklift |
2 | 配套動力Supporting power | kW | ≥29 |
3 | 舉升高度 Lifting Height | mm | 2300mm |
4 | 貨叉長度 Fork length | mm | 1100mm |
5 | 側移距離 Sideshift distance | mm | 550-750mm |
6 | 前后傾斜度 F./B. inclination | ° | -5~+10 |
7 | 整機重量Weight | Kg | 412kg |
8 | 舉升負載量Lifting Load | Kg | 1200Kg |
9 | 行走方式 Walking mode | / | 拖拉機掛載 Tractor mounting |
*The parameter table only describes the basic parameters. Please consult Zoomye Company for high configuration, high power and optional configuration parameters.
*規格參數及外觀,隨產品開發不斷更新,具體參數請咨詢中頤公司,以中頤公司最新參數為準,以上參數不作為整機驗收依據。咨詢電話 4008-400-232
*The specification parameters and appearance are constantly updated with the development of products. For specific parameters, please consult Zoomye Company. The latest parameters of Zoomye Company shall prevail. The above parameters are not used as the basis for the acceptance of the complete machine. Consulting hotline: 4008-400-232
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